Justin Starkweather
6 min readJul 8, 2024



Selfishness Over Time in Governance

From antiquity to now

sign in window closing the store

sign in window closing store
Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

I observe that all societies in history are formed according to just a few influences. The influence that most affects our social organization is a universal condition — we are all human animals. That we possess characteristics to differentiate ourselves from other animals Is agreed upon by everybody and not necessary to discuss. Necessary to discuss is what is forgotten — that we are equal in certain innate respects. I think it is critical to mention that our needs are identical and universal — although forgotten most of the time. Who forgets this?

The people whose needs are met forget to accord equality where it is deserved by those whose needs are unmet. All of us require air, water, food, warmth, and sleep. These needs are the bottom line for humanity (and other animals). To lack any one of these needs for a lengthy period leads to sickness and death. Other considerations abound and enter into what causes social organization. Basic needs however are ever present and form our social foundation.

You people who forget this need to remember how very equal you are to others.

Consider selfishness in history. It is always there and a central force in social organization…



Justin Starkweather

Dsplaced Americanlivng in Canada. Ex: dancer, actor. Montessorian, film editor, puppeteer, communard, artisan. Here to write thoughtful opinion and read yours.